Nursery care and Tab Express (children church) programs are available during the 10 AM worship service. You're invited to stick around and enjoy some coffee and fellowship after the service.
sunday worship service 10:00 AM
sunday worship service 10:00 AM
Nursery care and Tab Express (children church) programs are available during the 10 AM worship service. You're invited to stick around and enjoy some coffee and fellowship after the service.
Join us on Sundays for our winter sermon series on the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
Adult, teen, and children Sunday school classes will resume in the new year on january 12th.
Biblical Stewardship
Biblical stewardship means managing all resources God provides, include time, talents, finances, and creation, with the understand the everything belongs to God and should be used responsibly to glorify Him and benefit His creation. Biblical stewardship is a call for Christians to essentially function as a faithful caretaker of what God has entrusted to us; this involves making wise decisions, practicing generosity, and aligning actions with God's purposes.