Nursery care and Tab Express (children church) programs are available during the 10 AM worship service. You're invited to stick around and enjoy some coffee and fellowship after the service.
sunday worship service 10:00 AM
sunday worship service 10:00 AM
Nursery care and Tab Express (children church) programs are available during the 10 AM worship service. You're invited to stick around and enjoy some coffee and fellowship after the service.
Fall adult and children Sunday school classes will begin on september 8.
Join us for a 10-week study that explores the Biblical premise for evangelism and practical strategies for sharing the gospel with others. Discover how the narrative of evangelism begins in the creation story, continues through the nation of Israel, and climaxes in the gospel of Jesus. Pick up the the work Jesus began with His disciples.
children & youth Sunday school
The Gospel Project is the Sunday School curriculum we use for children and teens . It is a Christ-centered, weekly Bible study that helps all ages dive into the big story of the Bible – God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Children and teens will chronologically work through the whole bible as they deepen their faith and knowledge of Scripture. Each lesson challenges them to consider how they can apply biblical teaching into their own life. We want every child and teen to have a strong Biblical foundation from studying the whole Bible and seeing how Scripture is connected and points to Jesus.